Thermojetics Yellow

Price: 5,330 KZT

Brand: Herbalife

Product Code: #0117

Availability: In Stock

Thermojetics Yellow

Thermojetics® Yellow can help. By providing your body with the necessary levels of chromium, Thermojetics® Yellow can help your body regulate its supplies of glucose while also giving a mild energy boost.

In addition, it’s a source of garcinia cambogia, which supplies your body with hydroxy-citric acid and can further help you manage your eating habits. All this results in the brain not broadcasting a signal that your body interprets as, “feed me sugar!”

Fast Facts:
Take Thermojetics® Yellow as a convenient chromium and garcinia supplement.
Thermojetics® Yellow helps regulate blood-sugar levels safely and naturally.
As you age, your body’s stores of chromium are easily depleted, and Thermojetics® Yellow is excellent for countering this.
Thermojetics® Yellow can help your body regulate its supplies of glucose while also giving a mild energy boost.
Thermojetics® Yellow is excellent for controlling snack cravings.

Доставка осуществляется компанией «DPD» в следующие города: Актау, Актобе, Алматы, Астана, Атырау, Байконур, Караганда, Кокшетау, Костанай, Кызылорда, Павлодар, Петропавловск, Рудный, Талдыкорган, Тараз, Темиртау, Уральск, Усть-Каменогорск, Шымкент

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