
Price: 3208 KZT

Brand: Herbalife

Product Code: 0020

Availability: In Stock



For bone health and for maintaining bone mass (level of calcium and other minerals in bone), Vitamin D, Magnesium and Calcium go hand in hand, because the Vitamin D and Magnesium must be present for calcium to be absorbed from the digestive tract.

Key Benefits

Helps build strong bones and maintain bone density and healthy teeth.*


XtraCal is a healthy Calcium supplement formulated with Vitamin D and Magnesium to support strong bones and teeth. The Vitamin D and Magnesium present in Xtra-Cal aids the absorption and digestion of calcium and to support healthy aging.


Take one tablet two times a day with meals as a dietary supplement.

Доставка осуществляется компанией «DPD» в следующие города: Актау, Актобе, Алматы, Астана, Атырау, Байконур, Караганда, Кокшетау, Костанай, Кызылорда, Павлодар, Петропавловск, Рудный, Талдыкорган, Тараз, Темиртау, Уральск, Усть-Каменогорск, Шымкент

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